The SWFT Pledge
Executives of leading space industry companies signed the pledge at the 37th Space Symposium in 2022.
In 2022, Space Workforce for Tomorrow (SWFT) set out on a bold path, laying the groundwork to achieve an unprecedented mission that will redefine our industry’s future. This shared vision requires extraordinary collaboration and commitment from all our partners, working together to build a stronger, more vibrant and inclusive workforce essential to the future success of our industry.
We recognize this cannot be achieved overnight, and it cannot be achieved alone. But we choose this challenge, much like President John F. Kennedy did when he proclaimed the mission to the Moon. We’ve committed ourselves to create meaningful impact in this decade because it is a challenge we are unwilling to postpone and one we intend to win.
Today, our consortium of leading space companies continues to grow and, as we pursue the exciting opportunities that await in space, we’re working together toward an inclusive workforce that will have a lasting benefit for all.
SWFT is a collective effort that demonstrates the power of collaboration within our industry. The leaders who have signed the pledge have committed themselves and their organizations to achieving our stated goals:

Significantly increase the number of women and employees from underrepresented groups in our collective technical workforce.

Significantly increase the number of women and employees from underrepresented groups who hold senior leadership positions in our collective technical workforce.

Work with universities to increase the percentages of women and students from underrepresented groups receiving aerospace engineering degrees to levels commensurate with overall engineering programs.

Sponsor K-12 programs that collectively reach over 5 million underrepresented students annually.
To ensure accountability and continued progress, SWFT member companies have agreed to:
- Aggregate technical workforce and senior technical leadership data to report publicly each year.
- Highlight group-level achievements to promote shared success.
- Exchange best practices for diversity recruitment, science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education outreach and representation at leadership levels.
- Seek like-minded leaders and organizations to join this effort
Learn More
Space Workforce for Tomorrow (SWFT) outlines achievable goals for a more inclusive space industry and is committed to measuring our progress toward these goals. Sign up to learn more.
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